
리눅스(우분투) 서버 같은 콘솔 환경에서도 비디오 플레이어를 사용할 수 있다.

mpv를 설치한다.

--vo=drm 옵션, 영상 파일 이름과 함께 실행한다.

자막 파일이 있다면 자막도 표시된다. 주요 단축키 목록은 아래와 같다.

  • LEFT and RIGHT: Seek backward/forward 5 seconds. Shift+arrow does a 1 second exact seek

  • UP and DOWN: Seek forward/backward 1 minute. Shift+arrow does a 5 second exact seek

  • p / SPACE: Pause (pressing again unpauses).

  • q: Stop playing and quit.

  • Q: Like q, but store the current playback position. Playing the same file later will resume at the old playback position if possible.

  • 9 and 0: Decrease/increase volume.

  • m: Mute sound.

  • o (also P): Show progression bar, elapsed time and total duration on the OSD.

  • O: Toggle OSD states between normal and playback time/duration.

  • v: Toggle subtitle visibility.

  • z and Z: Adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 seconds. The x key does the same as Z currently, but use is discouraged.

  • r and R: Move subtitles up/down. The t key does the same as R currently, but use is discouraged.

  • s: Take a screenshot.

  • S: Take a screenshot, without subtitles. (Whether this works depends on VO driver support.)

  • Shift+PGUP and Shift+PGDWN: Seek backward or forward by 10 minutes. (This used to be mapped to PGUP/PGDWN without Shift.)

  • 1 and 2: Adjust contrast.

  • 3 and 4: Adjust brightness.

  • 5 and 6: Adjust gamma.

  • 7 and 8: Adjust saturation.

Posted by J-sean